GET api/relationships/{id}
Метод для получения информации о "Взаимоотношении" между Клиентом и Дистрибьютором (aka Договор)
Полный URL-адрес запроса:{id}?api-version=2.0
Для этого метода требуется авторизация
Информация о запросе
URL параметры
Название | Описание | Тип данных | Дополнительная информация |
id |
Уникальный идентфикатор "Взаимоотношения" |
string |
Required |
fields |
Список дополнительных полей, которые необходимо вернуть |
string |
Нет |
Тело запроса
Нет параметров в теле запроса
Информация об ответе
Название | Описание | Тип данных | Дополнительная информация |
Id | globally unique identifier |
Нет |
VendorId | string |
Нет |
Name | string |
Нет |
Customer | CustomerModel |
Дополнительное поле |
PriceCategory | PriceCategoryModel |
Дополнительное поле |
PriceTiers | Collection of PriceCategoryModel |
Дополнительное поле |
Currency | CurrencyModel |
Дополнительное поле |
PaymentTypes | Collection of PaymentTypeModel |
Дополнительное поле |
PaymentForms | Collection of integer |
Дополнительное поле |
Deferment | integer |
Нет |
Limit | decimal number |
Нет |
MinOrder | decimal number |
Нет |
Debts | Collection of MultiCurrencySumModel |
Дополнительное поле |
OverdueDebts | Collection of MultiCurrencySumModel |
Дополнительное поле |
Properties | Collection of EntityPropertyValueModel |
Дополнительное поле |
Discounts | Collection of RelationshipDiscountModel |
Дополнительное поле |
Active | boolean |
Нет |
DateFrom | date |
Нет |
DateTill | date |
Нет |
OrderIndex | integer |
Нет |
IsFixedPriceCategory | boolean |
Нет |
DeliveryTypes | Collection of DeliveryTypeModel |
Дополнительное поле |
BrandPriceCategories | Collection of RelationshipBrandPriceCategoryModel |
Дополнительное поле |
GroupPriceCategories | Collection of RelationshipGroupPriceCategoryModel |
Дополнительное поле |
Форматы ответа
{ "id": "fdb42c71-d70b-4880-a918-a9d60249184c", "vendorId": "sample string 2", "name": "sample string 3", "customer": { "id": "a792fce2-0c7d-49b2-9057-4254870357a7", "vendorId": "sample string 2", "name": "sample string 3", "taxNumber": "sample string 4", "location": { "country": { "id": "a42b50c0-56dc-4586-a1f6-00d140e00308", "isoCode": "sample string 2", "name": "sample string 3" }, "province": { "id": "fbd37030-fefb-4e20-8872-06e9b785f15c", "name": "sample string 2" }, "settlement": "sample string 1", "addressLine": "sample string 2", "geoCoordinate": { "latitude": 1.1, "longitude": 1.1 } }, "tradeNetwork": { "id": "53a0487d-55e1-4151-ab5e-cf37addb5773", "vendorId": "sample string 2", "name": "sample string 3", "properties": [ { "entityProperty": { "id": "6173a8ab-3fbd-4201-9359-5f1c9d2ba29f", "vendorId": "sample string 2", "name": "sample string 3", "entityDataType": "string", "valueLookup": "contacts", "required": true }, "value": "sample string 1" }, { "entityProperty": { "id": "6173a8ab-3fbd-4201-9359-5f1c9d2ba29f", "vendorId": "sample string 2", "name": "sample string 3", "entityDataType": "string", "valueLookup": "contacts", "required": true }, "value": "sample string 1" } ] }, "office": { "id": "9db19b78-10d1-438d-b384-4835f19b9b06", "vendorId": "sample string 2", "name": "sample string 3", "responsible": { "id": "1354d930-a955-466c-ab00-42461ee939f0", "vendorId": "sample string 2", "firstName": "sample string 3", "lastName": "sample string 4", "middleName": "sample string 5", "fullName": "sample string 6", "imageUrl": "sample string 7", "email": "sample string 8", "emailConfirmed": true, "phoneNumber": "sample string 10", "phoneNumberConfirmed": true, "twoFactorEnabled": true, "lockoutEndDateUtc": "2024-11-22T00:33:08.6629653Z", "lockoutEnabled": true, "roles": [ "sample string 1", "sample string 2" ] }, "location": { "country": { "id": "a42b50c0-56dc-4586-a1f6-00d140e00308", "isoCode": "sample string 2", "name": "sample string 3" }, "province": { "id": "fbd37030-fefb-4e20-8872-06e9b785f15c", "name": "sample string 2" }, "settlement": "sample string 1", "addressLine": "sample string 2", "geoCoordinate": { "latitude": 1.1, "longitude": 1.1 } }, "timeZoneId": "sample string 4" }, "properties": [ { "entityProperty": { "id": "6173a8ab-3fbd-4201-9359-5f1c9d2ba29f", "vendorId": "sample string 2", "name": "sample string 3", "entityDataType": "string", "valueLookup": "contacts", "required": true }, "value": "sample string 1" }, { "entityProperty": { "id": "6173a8ab-3fbd-4201-9359-5f1c9d2ba29f", "vendorId": "sample string 2", "name": "sample string 3", "entityDataType": "string", "valueLookup": "contacts", "required": true }, "value": "sample string 1" } ] }, "priceCategory": { "id": "b6569771-f370-4b35-b305-3a665788b713", "vendorId": "sample string 2", "name": "sample string 3", "orderIndex": 1 }, "priceTiers": [ { "id": "b6569771-f370-4b35-b305-3a665788b713", "vendorId": "sample string 2", "name": "sample string 3", "orderIndex": 1 }, { "id": "b6569771-f370-4b35-b305-3a665788b713", "vendorId": "sample string 2", "name": "sample string 3", "orderIndex": 1 } ], "currency": { "id": "fab7dca9-4ce5-4e6c-a3fc-4d79c2db36a4", "isoCode": "sample string 2", "isoNumber3": "sample string 3", "name": "sample string 4", "shortName": "sample string 5", "symbol": "sample string 6" }, "paymentTypes": [ { "id": "dcb21e16-d08d-49e8-8298-385ad36b2c42", "vendorId": "sample string 2", "name": "sample string 3", "orderIndex": 1 }, { "id": "dcb21e16-d08d-49e8-8298-385ad36b2c42", "vendorId": "sample string 2", "name": "sample string 3", "orderIndex": 1 } ], "paymentForms": [ 1, 2 ], "deferment": 1, "limit": 1.0, "minOrder": 1.0, "debts": [ { "currency": { "id": "fab7dca9-4ce5-4e6c-a3fc-4d79c2db36a4", "isoCode": "sample string 2", "isoNumber3": "sample string 3", "name": "sample string 4", "shortName": "sample string 5", "symbol": "sample string 6" }, "sum": 1.0 }, { "currency": { "id": "fab7dca9-4ce5-4e6c-a3fc-4d79c2db36a4", "isoCode": "sample string 2", "isoNumber3": "sample string 3", "name": "sample string 4", "shortName": "sample string 5", "symbol": "sample string 6" }, "sum": 1.0 } ], "overdueDebts": [ { "currency": { "id": "fab7dca9-4ce5-4e6c-a3fc-4d79c2db36a4", "isoCode": "sample string 2", "isoNumber3": "sample string 3", "name": "sample string 4", "shortName": "sample string 5", "symbol": "sample string 6" }, "sum": 1.0 }, { "currency": { "id": "fab7dca9-4ce5-4e6c-a3fc-4d79c2db36a4", "isoCode": "sample string 2", "isoNumber3": "sample string 3", "name": "sample string 4", "shortName": "sample string 5", "symbol": "sample string 6" }, "sum": 1.0 } ], "properties": [ { "entityProperty": { "id": "6173a8ab-3fbd-4201-9359-5f1c9d2ba29f", "vendorId": "sample string 2", "name": "sample string 3", "entityDataType": "string", "valueLookup": "contacts", "required": true }, "value": "sample string 1" }, { "entityProperty": { "id": "6173a8ab-3fbd-4201-9359-5f1c9d2ba29f", "vendorId": "sample string 2", "name": "sample 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"deliveryTypes": [ { "id": "75f1db3b-27cb-45bd-bd85-7f1510f4fe8a", "vendorId": "sample string 2", "name": "sample string 3", "orderIndex": 1 }, { "id": "75f1db3b-27cb-45bd-bd85-7f1510f4fe8a", "vendorId": "sample string 2", "name": "sample string 3", "orderIndex": 1 } ], "brandPriceCategories": [ { "brand": { "id": "85a4a3d7-df33-444c-b789-9f35b55ca890", "vendorId": "sample string 2", "name": "sample string 3" }, "priceCategory": { "id": "b6569771-f370-4b35-b305-3a665788b713", "vendorId": "sample string 2", "name": "sample string 3", "orderIndex": 1 } }, { "brand": { "id": "85a4a3d7-df33-444c-b789-9f35b55ca890", "vendorId": "sample string 2", "name": "sample string 3" }, "priceCategory": { "id": "b6569771-f370-4b35-b305-3a665788b713", "vendorId": "sample string 2", "name": "sample string 3", "orderIndex": 1 } } ], "groupPriceCategories": [ { "group": { "id": "5ab58c33-124a-44cc-939b-287fcb7d7305", "vendorId": "sample string 2", "name": "sample string 3", "hierarchy": { "level": 1, "path": "sample string 2" } }, "priceCategory": { "id": "b6569771-f370-4b35-b305-3a665788b713", "vendorId": "sample string 2", "name": "sample string 3", "orderIndex": 1 } }, { "group": { "id": "5ab58c33-124a-44cc-939b-287fcb7d7305", "vendorId": "sample string 2", "name": "sample string 3", "hierarchy": { "level": 1, "path": "sample string 2" } }, "priceCategory": { "id": "b6569771-f370-4b35-b305-3a665788b713", "vendorId": "sample string 2", "name": "sample string 3", "orderIndex": 1 } } ] }
Sample not available.
Sample not available.